Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bottle Gourd Paneer Kofta Curry


120 gm boiled and mash potato(aloo)
240 gm bottle gourd(loki),grated
120 gm paneer
2 green chilli
1 tsp ginger in small pieces
2 tbsp coriander leaves
salt to taste
24 gm corn flour
300 gm any thick gravy
30 gm khoya
50 gm spinach leaves


  • Grated gourd boil in the water and drain it.
  • Now grate paneer,mix with mased and grated gourd.add salt,pepper powder and corn flour.
  • Knead it like dough and form into small balls.
  • Stuff the balls with khoya, cashew and raisin.
  • Deep fry the kofta till golden brown.
  • In separate pan heat the butter and add chopped green chili, ginger and spinach paste.
  • Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add thick gravy and little water cook for 3 minutes.
  • Add kofta cook for 2 minutes. garnish with corinder leaves.
  • Serve with rice.

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