Monday, January 3, 2011

Pakora Raita


1/4 cup moong dal with out skin(green dal)
1/4cup urad dal with out skin(black dal)
2 tspoon grated coconut
salt to taste
2 bowl beaten curd
1 green chilly in small pieces
2 tspoon coriander leaves
2 tspoon fried dry fruits in small pieces(badam,kaju)
2 tspoon riefind oil
1 tspoon cumin seed
1/2 dry rosted cumin seed powder
1 pinch soda
1 pinch hing
1/2 tspoon grated ginger

Method (Recipe)

  • Take both dal and soak in water for 2 hour.
  • Now grind to the dal and make nice paste.add ginger,hing,litle
  • Mix salt,coconut and soda well. Make small pakora(little bigger than bundi) in oil.
  • Fry pakora till golden brown.
  • Keep pakora in liuke warm water for 15 minute.
  • Squeeze water from pakora.
  • Put pakora in beaten curd.add cumin seed powder heat oil
  • Reduce flame put cumin seed and pour in raita.
  • Garnish with coriander leaves and fried dry fruits.

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