Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lemon Rice


2 cup boil basmati rice
1 big leman juice
¼ tea spoon turmeric powder
¼ cup groundnut
2 tsp refined oil
2 tsp Bengal gram daal (channa daal)
1 tsp urad daal
1 red chilly, 1green chilly(in small pieces)
1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
8-10 curry leaves
½ tsp mustard seed
Salt to taste

Method ( Recipe )

  1. Heat oil in a pan or kadhai. Reduce flame.
  2. Add mustard seed , groundnut, urad daal , channa daal and chilies.
  3. Fry on slow flame till daal starts changing colour.
  4. Add curry leaves little fry.
  5. Add 1 tbsp water and cook for 2 minutes.
  6. Daal turns little soft and the water dries.
  7. Add boil rice, salt, turmeric powder.
  8. Fry 1 minutes then add lemon juice mix well and fry again 2 minutes.
  9. In last garnish with coriander leaves.
  10. Serve it to your dear ones with love.

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