Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cucumber Raita


1 cucumber(kheera)
1 bowl lightly beaten curd
1/2 tspoon suger
1/4 tspoon musterd seed
1/4 tspoon dry rosted cumin seed powder
4 curry leaves
2 tspoon coriander leaves
2 tspoon oil or ghee
salt to taste

Method (Recipe)
  1. Take 1 vessle pour beaten curd in this.
  2. Now scrub to the cucumber.
  3. Add cucumber in curd,cumin seed powder,suger and salt.mix well.
  4. Heat ghee or oil in pan add musterd seed when it cracked than add curry leaves.
  5. Fry it for few second than pour in curd mixture.
  6. Finally garnish with coriander.
  7. Serve with chapati or any type of rice or paratha, puri.

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