Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bottle Guard (lauki) raita


1 bowl scrub bottle guard
1 small boiled potato
1 1/2 bowl lightly beaten curd
1/2 tspoon dry rosted cumin seed powder
1 pinch hing
1/2 tspoon cumin seed
1/4 tspoon musterd seed
salt to taste
2 tspoon coriander leaves
2 tspoon oil or ghee

Method (Recipe)

  1. First boil to scrubed bottel drain water and keep a side for cooling .
  2. Now nicely mess to potato.
  3. Now take beaten curd in big bowl or any vessel.
  4. Add cool bottle gaurd,mess potato,cumin seed powder,salt and mix well.
  5. Now heat ghee or oil reduce flame add hing, mustard seed ,cumin seed
  6. Fry them and pour in raita.
  7. Now garnish with coriander leaves.
  8. Keep for cooling 
  9. Serve cool with pulav, veg biryani or puri paratta or chapati.

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