Monday, January 17, 2011

Fruit Chat


1 cup apple pieces
1 cup papaya pieces
½ cup pineapple pieces
1 banana cut into pieces
¼ cup grapes
¼ cup pomegranates (Anaar)
1 cup cucumber,peeled and cut into pieces
4 to 5 small tomatoes, cut into halves
½ cup boiled potatoes, cut into pieces
½ cup chopped paneer
2 green chilly, finally chopped
1 tsp chopped coriander leaves
3 tsp Cherrie
1 tbsp dates (Pind khajur) & imali ki chutney
1 tsp black salt
½ tsp black pepper (Kaali Mirch) powder
½ tsp roasted cumin seeds (Jeera) powder
½ tsp chaat masala
Juice of ½ lemon
Salt according to taste


  • Put all the ingredients in a bowl or big pot and mix well with the masala.
  • Then serve to your dear ones.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bottle Gourd Curry


1 Bottle Gourd
1/4 cup Channa daal
1 Tomato
3/4 Water
For Seasoning:
2 tbsp Oil
1 tsp Mustard seeds
2 Red Chilli
4 Curry Leaves

Method ( Recipe )
  • Soak the channa dal for 15 minutes and cook it in a pressure cook with the tomato, 1/2 cup of water and a little salt for five minutes.
  • After that remove it from the burner and add the peeled and chopped bottle gourd into the above mixture 
  • Again cook it in a pressure cooker for 3 minutes on medium heat.
  • Then open the lid and let it simmer on medium heat.
  • Heat oil in a pan and add the seasonings. 
  • After the seeds sputter, put these seasonings in the above bottle gourd mixture.
  • Boil the mixture till it becomes thick in consistency or until the water goes off and then remove it from the heat.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bottle Gourd Paneer Kofta Curry


120 gm boiled and mash potato(aloo)
240 gm bottle gourd(loki),grated
120 gm paneer
2 green chilli
1 tsp ginger in small pieces
2 tbsp coriander leaves
salt to taste
24 gm corn flour
300 gm any thick gravy
30 gm khoya
50 gm spinach leaves


  • Grated gourd boil in the water and drain it.
  • Now grate paneer,mix with mased and grated gourd.add salt,pepper powder and corn flour.
  • Knead it like dough and form into small balls.
  • Stuff the balls with khoya, cashew and raisin.
  • Deep fry the kofta till golden brown.
  • In separate pan heat the butter and add chopped green chili, ginger and spinach paste.
  • Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add thick gravy and little water cook for 3 minutes.
  • Add kofta cook for 2 minutes. garnish with corinder leaves.
  • Serve with rice.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pav Bhaji


4 potato
1 cup cauliflower
1 cupgreen peas
1 capsicum
1/2 cup carrot
3 cup water
2 tbspoon pav bhaji masala
1/4 tspoon garam masala
1 green chilli in small pieces
1 tspoon ginger paste
4 big tomato paste or cut in small pieces
1 tbspoon chopped coriander
2 tspoon fried kaju in small pieces
1/2 tspoon black salt
100 gm butter
6 pav


  • Cook the vegetable with 3 cup water in a pressure cooker for 4-5 whistles.
  • Open the cooker,mash the vegetable.
  • Heat 50 gm butter in pan,add ginger paste,green chilli fry for few seconds.
  • Now add pav bhaji masala,garm masala fry for few seconds.
  • Add tomato fry it now add mesh vegetable mix well .
  • Boil this till it thickens.
  • Garnish with coriander leaves and kaju.
  • Now cut each pav half in 2 pieces from center.
  • Apply butter on each half than cook in pan.
  • Now serve hot bhaji with pav.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Spinach And Cheese Balls


2 bowl spinach(palak)
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
2 dried broken chilli
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp asafetida(hing)
300 gm paneer
salt to taste
1 bowl gram flour(besan)


  • Wash the spinach in water and cut stalks.
  • Put spinach in the boiling water for few minutes.
  • Drain water and press out remaining water.
  • Chop the leaves in small pieces.
  • In pan heat oil and fry ginger and chillis .
  • Add ground coriander than add chopped paneer and stir fry for 1 minute.
  • Add spinach add salt and mix well.
  • Transfer the mixture in plate now add gram flour and knead well.
  • Now make 1-inch balls and deep fry them un till lighty browned.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cheese Ball in Golden Curry

Ingredients for Cheese Ball

200 gm paneer
200 gm maida
50 gm cheese
1 tsp black peper powder
1 tbsp chopped corianderleaves
1 green chill(in small pieces)
1/2 tsp soda
1tbsp milk
oil for fry

Ingredients for curry

2 tsp khaskhas
6 kaju
2 badam
2 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp kasmiri chilly powder
4 big boil tomato paste
1 glass milk
1 tsp garam masala
1/4 tsp chilly powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
salt to taste
1 tbsp ghee(oil)

Method ( Recipe )

  • Soak the khaskhas, kaju and badam in1 tbs milk for 1 hour and then make paste.
  • Take paneer, cheese and mash nicely and add coriander leaves, soda, little salt, pepper powder, green chilly and maida.
  • Mix all item well. then make small ball (add some water if it is needed) .
  • Fry deep the ball (till golden brown).
  • Heat ghee or oil.
  • Reduce flame .
  • Put jeera and all dry masala and fry.
  • Add kashkash paste, fry well.
  • Add tomato paste fry till water dries.
  • Add milk & water, salt boil.
  • Put ball & boil 2 minutes.
  • Add coriander leaves.
  • Serve hot with rice or chapati.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Vanila Sponge Cake


250 gm Maida
1 tin Condensed milk
100 gm Butter
2 tsp Vanilla essence
1 1/2  tsp Soda bi carb
1 1/2  tsp Baking powder
2 tbsp Powdered sugar
200 ml Drinking soda water

Method ( Recipe )

  • Sieve the maida, powdered sugar, soda bi carb and baking powder.
  • Melt the butter.
  • Add it to the above mixture along with the condensed milk and soda water.
  • Beat well until light and fluffy.
  • Grease and dust a cake tin.
  • Pour the above mixture and bake in a moderate oven for 1 hour.

Almond Cake

Everyone likes cakes. Here is recipe for making eggless cake. 

200 gm Butter
200 gm Powdered sugar
1 tsp Almond essence
6 tsp Maida
350 gm Powdered almonds
Whipped cream for decoration

Method ( Recipe )

  • Mix the sugar and butter.
  • Beat until light and fluffy.
  • Add the almond essence and mix well.
  • Add the maida and powdered almonds. Mix well.
  • Grease a baking tin.
  • Bake in a moderate oven for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Decorate with whipped cream.

Chow Mein Pasta Noodle


100 gms Caroots
1 Big Capsicum
5 Sticks Celery
soya sauce
tomato sauce
chilly sauce
white pepper

  • Put plenty of water to boil.
  • Add pasta & cook.
  • When soft & cooked drain it in a strainer
  • Cut all the vegetables into a long thin strips.
  • Heat the oil throughly in a vessel and add the vegetables, ajinomotto, salt, soya sauch and white pepper.
  • Cook on high flame for 3 - 4 minutes.
  • Add pasta and cook for 2 minutes.
  • Add tomato sauce and mix well.
  • To make spicy add chilly sauce also.
  • Serve it with love to your dear ones.
Serve : 2 Person

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Roasted Peanuts


500 gm raw peanuts
1 tsp of vineger
2 tsp of salt
1 tsp of red chilly powder
1 tsp of chat masala
1 tsp of oil 
3-4 tsp of gram flour (besan)


  • Take raw peanuts in bowl. 
  • Add vinegar, salt chat masala, red chilly powder, oil & mix it well
  • Put dry gram flour on top & again stir it very well.
  • Place aluminium foil on tray grease it with oil.
  • Put the merinated peanuts on the tray and head it for 4-5 minutes, put in between every 1 minute
  • Just shuffle the peanuts so that it does not stick
  • Just cool and serve

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lemon Rice


2 cup boil basmati rice
1 big leman juice
¼ tea spoon turmeric powder
¼ cup groundnut
2 tsp refined oil
2 tsp Bengal gram daal (channa daal)
1 tsp urad daal
1 red chilly, 1green chilly(in small pieces)
1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
8-10 curry leaves
½ tsp mustard seed
Salt to taste

Method ( Recipe )

  1. Heat oil in a pan or kadhai. Reduce flame.
  2. Add mustard seed , groundnut, urad daal , channa daal and chilies.
  3. Fry on slow flame till daal starts changing colour.
  4. Add curry leaves little fry.
  5. Add 1 tbsp water and cook for 2 minutes.
  6. Daal turns little soft and the water dries.
  7. Add boil rice, salt, turmeric powder.
  8. Fry 1 minutes then add lemon juice mix well and fry again 2 minutes.
  9. In last garnish with coriander leaves.
  10. Serve it to your dear ones with love.

Moong Dal Khandvi

Ingredients :

½ cup yellow moong dal flour (Aata)
2 tsp gram flour (Besan)
½ cup curd
1 tsp ginger & green chilly paste
A pinch turmeric powder (haldi)
¼ tsp asafetida (heeng)
Salt according to taste
3 tsp grated panneer
2 tbsp chopped coriander
1 tsp muster (rai) seeds
1 tsp white sesame (til) seeds
¼ tsp asafetida (heeng)
2 tsp oil

Method :
  1. Put the moong dal floor , gram flour , curd, ginger chilly paste,turmeric powder,hing and salt and ¼ cup of water and mix well.
  2. Heat mixer in a non stick pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, While stirring continuously.
    The mixture is ready when it leaves the sides of pan.
  3. Spread the mixture evenly on the back of thali using a flat katori to form thin layer. Cool it.
  4. Smear the khandvi evenly with oil.
  5. Put little salt and coriander leaves in panneer and mix well and keep aside.
  6. Cut into thick strips and spread panneer masala on it and carefully roll up each strip.
  7. For the tempering, heat the oil in pan and add mustard seeds.
  8. when they crack, add the sesame seeds and heeng and pour over the prepared khandvis.
  9. Garnish with the chopped coriander.
  10. Serve to your dear ones.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tomato Rice

2 cup boil rice
4 small tomato paste
8 curry leaves
1/4 tsp hing
1 tsp red chilli powder
1 & 1/2 tsp salt or to taste
1 tsp chana dal(gram dal)
1 tsp urad dal
1 tsp mustard seed

Method ( Recipe )
  • Heat oil in pan.
  • Reduce flame.
  • Add musterd seed,hing,urad dal,chana dal,curry leaves.
  • Fry on slow flame till dal start changing colour.
  • Add tomato paste fry till water dried.
  • Add rice,chilly powder,salt
  • Mix and fry it well.
  • Garnish with coriander leaves.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Coconut rice

Ingredients :

4 cup boil Basmati rice
2 tbs grated coconut
1 tspoon mustard seeds
1 tspoon bengal gram (chana dal)
1 tspoon urad dal
4 green chilly in small pieces
2 red chilly (make 4 pieces)
1/4 tspoon hing
4 tbs ghee
10 curry leaves and salt to taste
1 cup of fried dryfruits to garnish.

Method ( Recipe )
  1. Heat ghee on medium level in a large pan.
  2. Add the mustard seeds and fry till they cracker.
  3. Now add the grams, red chilli bits, hing fry for a few seconds till the grams turn light brown.
  4. Add the chopped green chilly, curry leaves and rice fry for 5 minute
  5. Add coconut mix well.
  6. Keep on low heat for 5 minutes.
  7. Garnish with fried dryfruits.

Curd Rice


1 cup cooked rice
2 cup Curd or yogurt
½ tsp Urad dal
½ tsp Channa dal
½ tsp Mustard seeds
½ inch Ginger
1 Green chillies
1 Dry red chilli
1 tbsp Oil
5 or 6 Curry leaves

Method (Recipe)

  1. Take a pan and heat with 2 tsp of oil and add mustard seeds.
  2. When they start to crackle then add urad dal, channa dal, ginger, curry leaves, red chilli and green chilli.
  3. Remove from the stove and mix with rice, curd and salt.
  4. Pickle is the best combination for curd rice.

Pakora Raita


1/4 cup moong dal with out skin(green dal)
1/4cup urad dal with out skin(black dal)
2 tspoon grated coconut
salt to taste
2 bowl beaten curd
1 green chilly in small pieces
2 tspoon coriander leaves
2 tspoon fried dry fruits in small pieces(badam,kaju)
2 tspoon riefind oil
1 tspoon cumin seed
1/2 dry rosted cumin seed powder
1 pinch soda
1 pinch hing
1/2 tspoon grated ginger

Method (Recipe)

  • Take both dal and soak in water for 2 hour.
  • Now grind to the dal and make nice paste.add ginger,hing,litle
  • Mix salt,coconut and soda well. Make small pakora(little bigger than bundi) in oil.
  • Fry pakora till golden brown.
  • Keep pakora in liuke warm water for 15 minute.
  • Squeeze water from pakora.
  • Put pakora in beaten curd.add cumin seed powder heat oil
  • Reduce flame put cumin seed and pour in raita.
  • Garnish with coriander leaves and fried dry fruits.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mix Veg Biryani


1 1/2 cup basmati rice
3 cup water
4 tbsp pure ghee
3/4 tsp cumin seed
1 green chilly
1 tsp ginger
1 biryani leaf (Tejpatta)
1 1/2 tspoon coriander powder
1/2 cup coriander leaves
1/2 cup cauliflower in small pieces
1/2 cup carrot in small pieces
1/2 cup peas
1/2 cup frence beans in small pieces
1/2 tsp garm masala

  1. Wash the rice and put rice into a pot ,pour water and keep a side for 15 minute.
  2. Now remove water from rice.
  3. Heat ghee in the cooker add biryani leaf,cumin seed,ginger and green chilly and fry them.
  4. Add all vegetables, coriander leaves and add all masalas.
  5. Fry them for 5 minute.
  6. Add rice, mix well.
  7. Add 2 1/2 cup water,salt (to taste) then lit by cover.
  8. Cook till to 1 whistle. Keep tava on slow flame.
  9. Keep the cooker (without lit) on tava, fry for 7 minutes.
  10. Garnish with fried dry fruits
  11. serve hot with curd.

Bottle Guard (lauki) raita


1 bowl scrub bottle guard
1 small boiled potato
1 1/2 bowl lightly beaten curd
1/2 tspoon dry rosted cumin seed powder
1 pinch hing
1/2 tspoon cumin seed
1/4 tspoon musterd seed
salt to taste
2 tspoon coriander leaves
2 tspoon oil or ghee

Method (Recipe)

  1. First boil to scrubed bottel drain water and keep a side for cooling .
  2. Now nicely mess to potato.
  3. Now take beaten curd in big bowl or any vessel.
  4. Add cool bottle gaurd,mess potato,cumin seed powder,salt and mix well.
  5. Now heat ghee or oil reduce flame add hing, mustard seed ,cumin seed
  6. Fry them and pour in raita.
  7. Now garnish with coriander leaves.
  8. Keep for cooling 
  9. Serve cool with pulav, veg biryani or puri paratta or chapati.

Cucumber Raita


1 cucumber(kheera)
1 bowl lightly beaten curd
1/2 tspoon suger
1/4 tspoon musterd seed
1/4 tspoon dry rosted cumin seed powder
4 curry leaves
2 tspoon coriander leaves
2 tspoon oil or ghee
salt to taste

Method (Recipe)
  1. Take 1 vessle pour beaten curd in this.
  2. Now scrub to the cucumber.
  3. Add cucumber in curd,cumin seed powder,suger and salt.mix well.
  4. Heat ghee or oil in pan add musterd seed when it cracked than add curry leaves.
  5. Fry it for few second than pour in curd mixture.
  6. Finally garnish with coriander.
  7. Serve with chapati or any type of rice or paratha, puri.

    Fruit Raita


    1/4 cup cucumber peeled and cut in small pieces
    1/4 cup pomogranat
    1/4 cup apple small pieces
    1 banana cut in small pieces
    1/4 cup potato in small pieces
    1/4 cup tomato in small pieces
    2 tspoon coriander leaves
    1/4 cup papaya in small pieces
    1 green chilli in small pieces
    1/2 tspoon chat masala
    1/2 tspoon rosted cumin seed powder
    1/4 tspoon black pepper powder
    1/4 tspoon black salt
    salt to taste

    Method (Recipe)

    1. Combine all fruits in one bowl.
    2. Add curd and mix it.
    3. Add chaat masala , cumin seed powder,green chilli, black pepper
    4. Mix powder and black salt.
    5. Now garnish with coriander leaves.
    6. Serve with pulav or puri ,chapati or bread.

    Tomato Raita


    4 ripe tomato in small pieces
    1 bowl curd
    1 tspoon begal gram
    1 tspoon urad dal
    1/2 tspoon musterd seed
    4-5 curry leaves
    salt to taste
    1/2 tspoon suger
    1/4 tspoon cumin seed powder

    1. Add tomato pieces in curd and add cumin seed powder, salt,sugar.
    2. Heat oil in pan reduce flame.
    3. Add musterd seeds when they cackle than add both dal fry
    4. Fry till dal start change colour than pour it in curd.
    5. Serve chill with pulav.
    6. You can take it with rice, chapati and bread also.
    7. If you like it don't forget to write the comment about your experience.

    Stuffed Masala Bhindi (Ladies Finger)


    10 bhindis
    2 tsp coriander powder
    1 tsp turmeric powder
    1 tspred chilli powder
    2 tsp fennel seeds
    1 tsp dry mango power
    1 tsp ajwain
    2 tbsp oil
    salt to taste


    1. Wash and pat dry bhindi.

    2. Cut the stalk.

    3. Slit them lenthwise.

    4. Mix all masala except ajwain.

    5. Stuff the bhindi with spice mixture.

    6. Heat oil in a pan,add ajwain.fry till they cracckle.

    7. Add the stuffed bhindi.

    8. Cook covered till done. remove cover and cook till the moisture vaporates.

    9. Serve hot.

    Lady's Finger with gram flour


    2 cup ladys finger(cut in 1" pieces)
    1/2 cup gram flour(besan)
    1/4 tsp turmaric powder
    1 tsp coriander powder
    1/2 tsp red cilli powder
    1/2 tsp dry mango powder
    1 tsp fennel powder
    1 tbsp musterd seeds
    1/2 tsp ajwain(caraway seeds)


    1. Put the besan in a pan and roast it on a low flame for some time.

    2. Mix in the coriander poder,cilli powder, fennel powder and garam masala.

    keep a side.

    3.Heat oil in pan and add the ajwain to it.

    4.Add the lady's finger pieces and add in the salt,turmaric powder and the

    5.Dry mango powder.

    6.Cook covered on a low flame till lady's is cooked. removed the cover and

    7.Mix in the besen mixture and cook for some more time.

    8.Serve hot with rice or paratha.

    Royal Kofta (Nargisi Kofta)


    2 bowl boiled white rice
    6 medium boiled potato
    salt to taste
    200 gm paneer
    1 bowl gram flour
    1 tsp cumin seeds powder
    7-8 saffron strands
    1 bowl whole stems removed spinach leaves (put spinach into the boiling
    water for a minute then drain)
    1/4 tsp ground black pepper
    1`tsp garam masala
    1/2 tsp turmeric
    1/4 tsp hing(asafetida)
    refind oil for deep fry


    1. Peel the potato. mix 1/2 tsp salt in the paneer and make soft dough.cover the paneer with moist cloth and set side.

    2. Combine gram flour and cumin seeds in a bowl.

    3. Add enough water to make a smooth batter. let stand.

    4. Add saffron in 1 1/2 tbsp warm milk then mix it well in rice.

    5. Mix spinach with the black pepper and 1/4tsp of salt and set a side.

    6. Mash to the potato add garam masala, turmeric powder , hing ,salt to taste.

    7. Now divide the rice,paneer,spinch and potato mixtuer into the six parts.

    8. Now take one part of rice and roll into the compect ball.

    9. Take one part of paneer and flat it and keep rice ball into the center.

    10. Bring up the edges to completely cover the ball.

    11. Cover the ball with a layer or two of unraveleted spinach leaves and a layer of the potato mixture.

    12. Make ball compact and smooth.

    13. Now dip to the ball into the gram batter deep fry.fry un till browned all over. serve with sauce.

    Gobi Manchurian


    1 medium size cauliflower(gobi)
    1 capsicum
    1 cup cabbage
    1 inch ginger
    2 cup corn flour powder
    oil for fry
    coriander leaves
    2 tsp tomato ketchup
    1 chilly sauce


    Cut gobi in 1 inch pieces than soak in hot water for 5 minute

    Take corn flour and add required quantity of water and salt (to taste) than make paste.

    Dip gobi pieces in paste and deep fry like bajji and keep a side.

    Now heat 25 ml oil in pan and put ginger, capsicum, cabbage and fry them.

    Add fried gobi and add tomato ketchup & chilly sauce & mix well.

    Garnish with coriander leaves.

    Now you can serve it to your dear and near ones.

    Baked potato and corn


    2 tea cup boiled corn
    120 gm boiled and mash
    2 chopped green chilli
    5 tbsp grated cheese
    6 tbsp milk
    3/4 tea cup milk
    2tbsp butter
    salt to taste
    1/4tsp grated ginger


    1. Heat butter and fry ginger in it. add green chilli,add mash aloo ,corn,3tbsp cheese and salt.

    2. Put the mixture in a baking dish. put on top. stir cream and put it on the mixture.

    3. On the top of that add the remaining cheese and sprinkle a little butter.

    4. Put it in the oven and bake for 20 minutes at 850 degree f.

    5. Serve hot with bread.